Hola a todos:
Quería saber que hay que agregarle a las luces o sea al espacio que define la luz para que cuando este enganchado en reversa a unos vagones la luz de atrás se siga viendo y no se apague...
Saludos, Juan.-
Moderador: Moderadores
Light (
comment( Rear red light left )
Type ( 0 )
Conditions (
Headlight ( 3 )
Unit ( 3 )
FadeIn ( 0.5 )
FadeOut ( 0.5 )
Cycle ( 0 )
States ( 1
State (
Duration ( 0.0 )
LightColour ( 80ff0000 )
Position ( -1.3 2.4 -2.225 )
Azimuth ( -180 -180 -180 )
Transition ( 0 )
Radius ( 1.0 )
Pere escribió:- 0 Cuando esta luz se encenderá siempre, independientemente de que el maquinista encienda o no las luces de la locomotora.
Light (
comment( luz trasera derecha baja )
Type ( 0 )
Conditions (
Headlight ( 3 )
Unit ( 2 )
FadeIn ( 0.5 )
FadeOut ( 0.5 )
Cycle ( 0 )
States ( 1
State (
Duration ( 0.0 )
LightColour ( 80eadab6 )
Position ( 0.13823 3.57 -9.0 )
Azimuth ( -180 -180 -180 )
Transition ( 0 )
Radius ( 0.5 )
Setting requirements
The first thing you must specify is when you want the light or lights in question to come on. This is done by setting a number of flags to define the requirements for the lights concerned to light – if no requirements are listed, the light will always be on.
Possible Requirements
Headlight (0) (ignore headlight control status)
Headlight (1) (the headlight control is at “Off”)
Headlight (2) (the headlight control is at “Dim”)
Headlight (3) (the headlight control is at “Bright”)
Unit (0) (ignore unit status)
Unit (1) (the unit is in the train but isn’t at the front or back)
Unit (2) (the unit is the frontmost unit of the train)
Unit (3) (the unit is the rearmost unit of the train)
Penalty (0) (ignore penalty status)
Penalty (1) (the train has not “stopped due to a penalty brake application”)
Penalty (2) (penalty) (the train has stopped due to a penalty brake application” (useful for specifying an emergency warning light)
Control (0) (ignore control status)
Control (1) (the player is not control of the unit [i.e. it is a helper locomotive or wagon)
Control (2) (the player is in control of the unit)
Service (0) (ignore service status)
Service (1) (the unit is not in service e.g. a failed train lying in a siding)
Service (2) (the unit is in service)
TimeOfDay (0) (ignore time of day)
TimeOfDay (1) (only come on if it’s daytime)
TimeOfDay (2) (only come on if it’s night
Weather (0) (ignore weather)
Weather (1) (only come on if it’s fine)
Weather (2) (only come on if it’s raining)
Weather (3) (only come on if it’s snowing)
Coupling (0) (ignore coupling status)
Coupling (1) (original front of wagon is coupled)
Coupling (2) (original rear of wagon is coupled)
Coupling (3) (both ends of wagon are coupled)
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