I'm sorry but the only thing I know of your language is saludos.
I live in Athens - Greece but I like very much your site and your work.
Your work about the models is great. I' ve downloaded everything about 2100 series and I'm trying to find the appropriate cab according to a design I found at your site.
My avatar is an MLW (Montreal Locomotive Works) a subsidiary of AlCo working for the Greek Railways (OSE). It has a power of 3600 HP and is used for cargo trains.
Here in Greece we have a site about MSTS, Train Models and generally about trains.
The address is: and we have a lot of Greek models for downloading. Just follow the link Amnizia Station and then the link Downloads.
Also we have a forum under the address: but is only in Greece except a small part in English.
We started the site at the end of 2005 and we are happy that is going well until now.
Sorry about my bla-bla.
Saludos again, or
Γειά σας (Gia sas) as we say in Greece.[/b]