por RTP » Dom Jun 29, 2008 8:24 pm
De un manual de 3D Train Stuff
If you have the frame-rate to spare, you can adjust how many times the sim calculates the physics. In the Trains\Trainset folder, open the DEFAULT.wag file. Go down the variable list until you find "On-track solver timestep". The default in milliseconds is 10, set this to a lower number. Be warned though, depending on what value you set, you can really hit your frame-rate hard. Conversely, raising this number should increase frame-rates if you have a slower machine and don't mind the train-speed error. If you like playing with stuff just for the sake of playing, there are other nifty variables to tweak in this file, but do it AT YOUR OWN RISK!
What this does is a lower number causes the game to calculate the physics more often, which reduces a speed error. Left alone, when your speedometer reads 60mph for example, you're actually doing about 67mph. The error is a percentage, the faster you go the higher the error. For some reason, having the processor compute the physics calculations more often reduces this percentage error.
Tambien se puede ajustar el parametro Off-track.....
Parece ser que muchas caidas de frame-rate y subsiguiente enganchon ocurren al cambiar de baldosa y acceder al disco duro.
Parece ser que ajustando estos parametros se puede optimizar un poco esto.
Tambien se puede enviar el MSTS al infierno.
Yo lo he probado en un dual, 2Gb, XP pro, disco Sata que se enganchaba,
y la velocidad se vuelve un tanto inestable, pero la presentacion cae de unos 25fps a 3-4fps pero no se cala.
A vuestro criterio.
Por favor, publicad el resultado de las pruebas que hagais.
Gracias a todos.