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Notapor L&N » Jue Jun 16, 2005 4:08 pm

Many thanks to Jose for sending me the files for the RENFE 2126.

Perhaps someone else can help me. While trying to run the first Activity on the Zafra-Jerez de los Cab. route, I am getting an error saying that it "Failed to open texture file", and is looking for "Trains\Trainset\Renfe_Shimms\Shim.1RCS.ace" Can anone help me with this.

Also, can someone tell me which routes located at are actual railroads and which are fictional. I would like to D/L more, but I want them to be actual railroads.

I invite all of you to go to and check it out.
We are in the process of opening a European Division and would enjoy having you as engineers both on our domestic and overseas VRs

CP 5799 on WB at Exshaw.jpg
CP 5799 on WB at Exshaw.jpg (50.65 KiB) Visto 3534 veces
Mensajes: 19
Registrado: Mar Jun 14, 2005 3:31 pm
Ubicación: Etowah, TN, USA

Notapor coconcia » Jue Jun 16, 2005 4:20 pm

The actual routes located at Trensim are Zafra-Jerez de los Caballeros, Valladolid-Aranda de Duero, León-Sahagún, Lleida-La Pobla and Gibraleón-Ayamonte. These are the actual spanish routes. I don't know which southamerican routes are actual or fictional :wink:
Mensajes: 1131
Registrado: Vie Ene 02, 2004 1:25 pm

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